Have You Outgrown Your Current Home?  Learn How you can buy before you have to sell!

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Think your credit score isn’t a big deal? Think again. Having a low credit score could cost you as much at $45,000 in a lifetime of purchases.  Having a good credit score is important for more than when it comes time to buying a home and getting a good rate for your mortgage. Here are […]

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A great yard in the spring and summer begins with prep work in the fall.  The stress and heat of the summer can do real damage to your lawn, flower beds, shrubs, and trees.  A little TLC now will make things healthy and beautiful in the spring. Here are the 9 To-Do’s to tackle before […]

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You love your neighborhood and everything about where you live but you’re not in love with everything about your home. So you’ve been thinking about remodeling and trying to figure out how to pay for it. Here are 4 ways to help you pay for your renovation: 1.   Tap Into Your Home’s Equity A home […]

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A home remodeling project can seem overwhelming.  Breaking it down into manageable steps is the key to success.  Here are the steps to help you organize the process and get you to your end result successfully.  1. Set a Budget Just like you set a budget when buying your home you need to do the […]

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This 4-part series; How to Protect Your Home and Save You Money is a must for every homeowner. Once you buy a home, it’s now all your responsibility! But are you truly prepared for the unexpected? This series is a great overview of what you need to know when it comes to getting homeowner’s insurance, […]

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My 4-part series; How to Protect Your Home and Help Save You Money is a must for every homeowner. Once you buy a home, it’s now all your responsibility! But are you truly prepared for the unexpected? This series is a great overview on what you need to know when it comes to getting homeowner’s […]

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My 4-part series; How to Protect Your Home and Save You Money, is a must for every homeowner. Once you buy a home, it’s now all your responsibility! This week you’ll learn why keeping an itemized list of your home’s contents is a HUGE help when you need to make an insurance claim

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My 4-week series on How to Protect Your Home and Help Save You Money Series is a must for every homeowner. Once you buy a home, it’s now your responsibility to protect and maintain it. This week is a great overview of what you need to know when it comes to getting homeowner’s insurance, keeping your home safe and secure, and avoiding costly mistakes when protecting your home.

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After several months of being self-quarantined you may be feeling a bit claustrophobic. Being at home day in and day out with your immediate family members may have you cherishing your family time together and also rethinking your space. And it may even be more space outside that you’re really craving

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With real estate being considered an essential business that continues to operate despite the stay-at-home order, many of my clients are continuing to proceed with their real estate plans

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Now is a good time to give your home some loving care. With many of us at home and some of us with more time on our hands, you could tackle some spring maintenance tasks to keep your home in good condition and prevent problems from occurring down the road

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Besides coming back year after year, I love that perennials expand in size to help fill out my garden. If you’re new to gardening you might tend to shy away from perennials as their initial cost is more than annuals.

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